patrick hutchison /
deep planes creative

Ireland's Burren region holds both exuberant wildness and the marks of millennia of human interventions. On my first day of exploration, I was struck by the formal similarity between the abundant blackberries and towering piles of silage bales, with their grouped units of shiny "globules," darkly-skinned membranes encasing potent, fermented food energy. 

Over time these elements began to suggest a metaphorical relationship to the process of making art, in both the instinctual, impulsive sense, and in the rigors of concentrated practice. 

Ferment: Process/Ferment: Potential (2021) as a temporary combined install.

Ferment: Process is a photographic series which pushes both forms from observation into abstraction.

Ferment: Potential is a sculptural meditation on our deepest creative force, a sometimes disquieting but always alluring inner self, which often feels dangerous to reach for. It is installed on the grounds of Burren College of Art, County Clare, Ireland.

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